We offer reliable service by trained and certified technicians to the greater Palouse community.
We clean and protect carpets of all colors, shapes and sizes. Spring cleaning, odor elimination and moving out, whatever the occasion, we have your carpets covered.
Movie nights, game day weekends and a good afternoon nap all take their toll on our favorite resting spots. Furniture is an investment worth caring for and that care can be surprisingly affordable.
There's a better way to clean tile than with a scrub brush and harsh chemicals. We have the tools to do a professional job that will leave your tiled surfaces looking new.
With 24 hour emergency service, trained and certified technicians, we are one phone call away when you need us.
Your car can be your castle. From your private space to your work place, your vehicle serves you well. Take good care of it with a thorough cleaning of its' carpets and upholstery.
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We are a locally owned and operated, professional carpet and flooring service company. We offer reliable service by trained and certified technicians to the greater Palouse community.
Live Locally, Serve Excellently, and Give Generously.
Lewiston, ID
Clarkston, WA
Troy, ID
Potlatch, ID
Colfax, WA
Uniontown, WA
Colton, WA
Palouse Carpet Cleaning
640 South Grand Ave., Pullman, Washington 99163
United States
Phone : (509) 715-1300
Carpet Cleaning
Upholstery Cleaning
Tile Cleaning (floors, showers, countertops)
Flood Abatement
Mattress Cleaning
Licensed, Bonded, Insured.